
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sad Saturday.....Kassey

I used to have some woofiie furriends named Bonnie, Baxter and Buzz.
Mom says we won't be reading any more of their cute blogs acause
their Dad passed away. She said it has been an unhappy day for her
and so many of our innerweb friends.

On spaces, their Dad would let them visit and they were so funny
and cute. And  Mom always enjoyed reading  acause their Dad was such
a funny human and it was a joy to read his posts and comments.

Mom here..... There is a huge void after losing a good man such as Bob
Bowers. He will forever be missed. Rest in peace, Bob.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Easy Sunday After.....Kassey

This past week, Mom has been real busy in the house.
I stayed in my room as she sprayed the carpet with
sweet smelling stuff. She also pushed the sucky monster.
I guess I've learned to live with it acause it didn't scare me
this time. She also hided some things acause she said the
spy was coming for our yearly inspection.
Mom showed spy the mold in her bathroom closet that has
been here before. Well, then this man came and checked it .
So now Mom is using my shower now, until it is fixed. I don't
mind as long as she doesn't give me a shower.
I hope you kitties, woofies and beans are having an easy Sunday.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Easy Like Sunday.....Kassey

Mom calls these her Red Neck Steps. It worries her acause it takes awhile for my breathing to catch up
after jumping too high.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Catching Up Saturday

Blogger couldn't find my web page this And
went to a search that didn't even spell it right....haha
So now I'm on Firefox and so far it's OK. Even Safari
didn't do the job right most of the time, didn't like it.

I'm finally able to post comments so far and I'm way behind.
It's hot and gonna get hotter. But I have to take some more
stuff to the mission store. It feels so good to finally get my
closets cleared out. It has been a long process, but I'm get-
ting there. Sometimes it's hard to decide what you don't need.

Kassey is catching some zzzzz's but she'll no doubt get up when
I leave. She's a lot more secure now, so she doesn't go to her
food bowl when she knows I'm going. Sometimes she'll follow
me to the door and I explain that I won't be gone long and she
can look for me from the window.

An ambulance just came for someone and it looked like my
Sister's neighbor. Her neighbor had surgery recently and for
some reason they had to stop during the surgery and close her
up. Finally she came home. As word goes around, I'm sure I'll
hear about it.  I'm sorry about this, but I'm glad too that it wasn't
my Sister.
Gotta get going out in the heat. Yall stay cool and Blessed.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wordless Wednesday Almost.......Kassey

Mom says she's sorry for the awful red color, but she hasn't been able to change it. Also, we're still having problems on blogger.