
Monday, July 28, 2014

Finally Here Again

After being absent, it was a struggle getting here.
I'm blessed with a Wi-Fi connection at the present.
I've sure missed everyone.
I'm sorry for worrying you all. I know how it is to worry about
our friends who drop out for one reason or another.

I'm still alone here with no fur baby. I have given most of Kassey's
things to my son's cat. He was so sweet looking up hoping to
fill my lap. I declined because he isn't de-clawed. His woofie
brother, Duke,a Great Dane , backed up and sat on my knees
twice. It was a missed photo op which I regret.

I'm so thankful that I got on today. I'll start visiting. Thank you all
for visiting in my absence.


  1. We just saw your comment--welcome back!

    You WERE missed.

  2. I am SO SO glad you are here! Thank you forever and ever for that phone call. xoxoxox Angel Kassie still hopes for another baby to fill your heart and lap.

  3. We are happy to see you again. Hopefully you will stick around now for a long long time. We'll look forward to the next post.

  4. It's good to see you are online again. We read the news at Katie Isabella's and came right over.

  5. So happy to see you. Welcome back! XOXOXO Spitty & his Human

  6. So wonderful to hear from you!
    We have new kittens at our place.

  7. We are so happy to see you back. We were really worried.

  8. It's Pawsome to see you back !
    Welcome back to kitties world :)
    Nose Kiss

  9. Oh I'm glad to see you here , welcome back xx

  10. So good to see you back! You've been missed!

  11. Welcome back! Are their little rescues in your future? They do warm up the heart so!

  12. I'm so sorry I missed this post! It really is so nice to see you back. Thanks for visiting us today. I hope all is well. I agree with the others. It would warm the heart to have another kitty. :)

  13. I was so happy to see your comment on my post. My heart soared when I saw it was you. When the time is right for a new kitty it will happen. It took me 4 years before I got a new dog, as I wanted it to be a special bond. Your Kassey had been so much a part of our lives as well in your sharing all those special moments. I don't get around to blogging much anymore these day. Try to keep up with those old blogging friends now on facebook as it's quicker for me. I have been going a million different directions this summer barely keeping up anywhere. But am learning to take life as it comes as the world doesn't end over not getting the little things done. Right now busy with berries picking and starting to collect and dry flower seeds. Our place is blooming beautiful again this year even after I said I wasn't going to plant flowers this summer with so many other things taking my attention. But once a gardener always a gardner. At least during all my work outside and inside I can always glance at the flowers they will bring a peice to my hectic days. May you days ahead be filled with peace and contiments and maybe a new companion. Hugs Carrie

  14. I love seeing Kassies's badge up for her. Bless her and you. As Carrie said, I hope a new companion will be in your home with you. Maybe a cat that is older and needs a mom so badly, who has been waiting and waiting. xoxoxoxox

  15. Look at all those precious baby faces all over here. xoxoxox

  16. Just popped by to say Hello , and I just love your Background, lovely Tribute. xx

  17. Just stopping in to say hi. I always laugh when I see your live traffic feed. Because I have satilite internet it always shows me as back east where the main office is for my satlite internet company. Kinda the pits because non of the location things work for me. So when shopping on line it always want to place me somewhere back east. Oh well. Hope your summer has gone well. Hugs Carrie


Kassey and I thank you all for your kind comments.