
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Chicken Soup for the Soul

I really enjoy these books. And the photo surely caught my eye.
The words on the cover may be unreadable. It was written by  Amy Newmark, foreword
by Miranda Lambert.
Royalties from this book support the American Humane Association. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Looking Back As I....

copy old posts from Word Press. It brings me back
 to pleasant times when we were on Spaces and earlier
times when my sweet Kassey chose me as her human.
I enjoy being on Blogger, but I miss those days, most
especially when Kassey came into my life...I just miss
 my sweet girl.
Copying all this will take awhile. It's been 6 years since
we were booted off Spaces so .....I hope I can keep the
Wi-Fi. long enough anyhow to finish. I don't take it
for granted.
Blessings to everyone.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Finally Here Again

After being absent, it was a struggle getting here.
I'm blessed with a Wi-Fi connection at the present.
I've sure missed everyone.
I'm sorry for worrying you all. I know how it is to worry about
our friends who drop out for one reason or another.

I'm still alone here with no fur baby. I have given most of Kassey's
things to my son's cat. He was so sweet looking up hoping to
fill my lap. I declined because he isn't de-clawed. His woofie
brother, Duke,a Great Dane , backed up and sat on my knees
twice. It was a missed photo op which I regret.

I'm so thankful that I got on today. I'll start visiting. Thank you all
for visiting in my absence.