Sunday, June 13, 2010

Just Checking It Out Here

Hello All, I guess it's about time to check blogger out and give it a try. I received an email today on spaces
with a foreign language. I hope MSN is doing this and not some hacker....who knows.
I hate leaving spaces so for now I'll keep it. I know Kassey and I have a lot of friends here too and I'll put our addy on my space.
Kassey needs my attention so I'll go for now.


  1. Here I am, Great Granny and Kassey!

  2. It;s me again. The Admiral said to thank Kassey for the visit. She also said that I myself have a blog on Blog Spot as you can see from the prior entries. :-)

  3. After transferring some blogs, I had to delete, made an unreadable mess.


Kassey and I thank you all for your kind comments.