Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sunday Whiffies...Kassey

It's been raining about all day and cooling off. Mom closed the whiffie hole after this photo. The innerweb is a real 'b' word according to Mom. And something is screwing with our photos. At least she was able to crop it. But the green on the bottom is a mystery. Sometimes visiting and commenting is difficult.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Mom, I gave you a clue when I was in the window looking up. I just have to know what is so important here that we are not in the fuds room getting my chick-hen. Well, I'm not jumping down until you get up.
This works effurry time....Mol

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Easy Sunday...Kassey

                                                    I never heard her as she flashed me.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Catching Up, Mom Hopes...mol....Kassey

Andy is working on Mom's pooter here. He didn't need his jacket so it was mine while he was here. He worked until about 10:30 pm and then took the PC home to finish. This was around Thanksgiving. Mom has been having innerweb withdrawal with pooters and web misbehaving.

Andy took the PC back to update coz it was hungry for more aggravating updates. He brought it back yesterday. It had a problem recognizing the IP address. We're hoping she can finish this post.
This is now my most favorite bed. I seldom sleep with Mom...well she won't let me sleep on her like this...mol   This photo was about a week ago, cloudy here today.
Maybe we should stop and hope this is posted. We sure have missed effurrybuddy.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Bring On The Nip Award..HappyThanksgiving Wishes...Kassey

Our sweet furriend, Oui Oui gave us this award. And I'm supposed to tell what inspires me. Well what I'm most inspired about is how I outfox Mom. She's so easy and always tries to stay one step ahead of me...mol
As effurryone knows the blinds are a part of my tricks to make her do my bidding.
Last night, she raised the blinds real high and wrapped the cords around the raised blinds. Then she made two stacks of organizers to block any  view from the outside. And she also cluttered the pooter table so I couldn't jump on it. Hah, she left a cat wide place open which I couldn't resist.
Now she's gonna just put effurrything back in order as she just can't win, poor dumb hooman...mol
She's my inspiration and makes night time fun.

Mom here.....
We're so thankful on this Thursday and we wish everyone a Happy and safe Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Cool Whiffies...Kassey

It was about 50F, but Mom got the hots after doing laundry. I was so happy when I got some whiffies.
 Another day, I begged Mom fur whiffies. It turned cool so she closed the whiffie hole.
Sorry we've not been on much lately, furry furstrating fur Mom.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Slower Than 'lasses

Andy got my puter in the bedroom going, but the internet is still slow.
I ordered a new hard drive from Staples and it should be in by Wed-
nesday. There's nothing wrong with this one, just way too slow. If
I had DSL, it would be OK. I can hardly wait to have a speedier drive.
He took the puter home so he could get my phone hooked up to the
web. Mine is just XP so he had to get the necessary download from
I'm now on the old girl and this has taken forever due to the various
browsers. Andy restored the puter back to factory, so Chrome doesn't
know me apparently, surprising I'm not too fond of Chrome anyhow.
I hope you all are having a good Monday.

BRRR, Cold Monday...Kassey

Mom says the guesser on TV says we'll have falling temps today

Thursday, November 8, 2012

So Thankful On Thursday...Kassey

It's furry cold here but we're blessed with fuds, water, and warmth. I sure needed Mr. Sun on my furs. And we sure hope Mr Sun shines effurywhere today, especially  in the NE. We still purray that they'll get relief from the awful cold and hunger.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Caturday Stuffs...Kassey

Mom is so pissgusted and it burns my little delicate ears. She has been trying to post but sumfing in the pooter won't let her. Or sumfing else, don't know.
She has been furry upset about sum fings going on like GMO craps and she's wondering now if it's my fuds that she bought especially fur my little kidneys. There are so many other fings too we all shud know about.
Here are sum websites : 
You will get a lot of stuffs on these innerweb sites. Put them all on your favorites coz you'll want to visit often fur updates. There is too much to mention here, but you'll see fur yourself. Please purrsue this info especially about the GMO fuds, furry impawtent to our health.
I'll go to my sunpuddle now.
Luvs to all our hoomans and furbabies, especially to the ones affected by the bad girl names Sandy.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Arlene And The Enchantment Award and Tango

Our sweet friend Arlene, gave us this lovely award. Thank you, Arlene for this award. It is an honor to receive it. I'm not required to do anything but enjoy it.
Arlene needs our purrs and grrrs at this time. Her sweet woofie Tango went to the bridge a few days ago. He was a sweetheart who left behind his human Mommy and his woofie sisfur, Ruby.
Please visit her at She is a delightful lady and needs our love and prayers.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Gotcha Day....Kassey

On this day, Oct. 23, 2007,  I was gotted by Mom at the animal shelter. I wasn't there long coz Mom had made several trips looking fur her special kitty. When she walked in, I stood up and greeted her with my sweetest Meow. Somehow, I just knew that she would be my new Mom.
She fell in love with me and home we went. I sang to her all the way home. And she told me,'It's OK'.'We'll soon be home.' When we got home, she showed me my own bathroom where my litter box was.  And as you hoomans say, 'The rest is history'....mol

Monday, October 22, 2012

One Sweet Blog Award

We were honored with this award from our sweet furiend,
                                      Spitty and his Mom. There are so many sweet blogs and it's very difficult
                                       to pick five to pass it too. The five I picked from all the sweetest
                                        blogs are as follows.:
                                        Arlene and Tango Tales, Tamago, Michiko, Mr. Puddy, OK Cats
                          All you have to do is pass it along to five others.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

Tocks, Sneaky Mom...Kassey

                                           She lured me wif my dry fuds. But it's OK coz she hid
                                           my ladycat parts. She still had to be quick coz I don't
                                           like the flashy beast.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Wordy Wednesday Laundry...ppppffffsst...Kassey

Today, Mom took the car to Honda fur the stuffs. I met her at the door coz I missed her. Later as I napped, she thought I was still asleep. She opened the warm big box and got the clothes out. I waited fur her to put them on the bed. She saw me as I was about to pounce up on the clothes. Again I heard the words,'No Kassey'. Don't get on Mommy's clothes. Mommy has to hang them.' I was a good girl and minded her. As she hid them, I kept her company on the other side of the bed by my nighttime fuds.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday Followings...Kassey

                                    I follow Mr. Sun and Mom follows me....really, Mom.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mom's Easy Sunday Sugar Lump...Kassey

It's Mom's fault I got cold. Mom's Vet upped her thyroid meds and she needed the AC on early this morning. She said my furs felt cool. So she covered me with my blue blankie. And I curled up and enjoyed the warm blankie. Mom says I'm her sugar lump...mol   She's always sweet talking me like that..mol

Mom: I've tried for hours to get this on, nothing new there, I guess.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Stormy Furiday...Kassey

I seem to still be OK. But I still purfur my wet fuds served to me on the couch. I don't eat a lot at a time, but at least I do eat. We got a lot of sky water today and the sky started booming real  loud. I was in Mom's lap and we both jumped...mol when it boomed real loud.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Snoozy Cloudy, Cool Monday,,,Kassey

Mom has had a hassle on the pooter today. Poor Mom is so pooter illiterate anyhow. But she finally got this on after much aggravation. I must've  been in dreamland coz I didn't move a fur when she flashed me. This cloudy day is fur snoozing and it's cool too. We had a little heat on last night. And I slept as close to Mom as I could to keep her warm.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wordless Wednesday, Almost ...Kassey

After my lunch of wet fuds on the couch, I thought I'd hunt fur Mr. Sun. He'll come around later and I'll wait fur him.
Mom fed me breakfast on the couch too coz I refused to eat it in the fuds room.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday Tale Of A Spoiled Kitty....Kassey

Mom's so well trained that she brings my fuds to me where I nap. She said this is what I'll eat today coz my
poop is thinner than it was. This chick-hen fuds has psyllium seeds in it which is furry gud fur kitties tummies
as well as hoomans. I slept with Mom last night and yakked a small hairball on the bed. I guess I'll be getting the hairball stuffs today too.
I seem to be doing OK, Mom said, but we'll be making an appointment fur my 2 months checkup this month.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thankful Thursday...Kassey

Tuesday Mom went to the Vet and got me some more canned food and a big bag of the dry food for nights.
I really enjoy my dry foods but now I have rejected my wet foods.
Tuesday night, I ate my late night food in the bedroom. I let her know the blinds whapping way so she could
pour my food on the tray.
Last night, I slept on the couch in the dark coz Mom forgot to uncover the window. I slept all night and didn't even whap the blinds. This morning early, when I pooped and peed, Mom said my poop wasn't right. It was too thin. Now I'm staying close to Mom while she types my post. Mom is concerned and thinking maybe I need extra purrs. And I'll probably be visiting the blood sucking Vet.
We're so thankful on this Thursday to still be together.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Boring Post About More Sleeps, sorta...Kassey

After my bedtime fuds, we went to bed.
It was so nice sleeping right next to Mom.
Mom had to go to the little room about
3:15 and she slipped outta bed without
waking me. I let her lay there until about
3:30. Then I went to the window and
whapped the blinds. Up she came and
fed me.
We then went back to bed. Mom had a
hard time going back to sleep and I was
looking out the window. She just turned
on the TV coz it helps sometimes to put
her to sleep.
I curled up ready fur a nap. About the time
Mom finally dozed off, I did my blind whap-
ping. Well, it was about time fur my breakfast.
Mom stayed up as usual and had her coffee,
while waiting fur her favorite old TV shows on
This boring post can put anyone to sleep except
Mom as she waits fur  Dancing With The Stars.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hungry Restless Nights....Kassey

Last night Mom raised the blinds so I couldn't whap them.
Well, furriends, don't let your Mom do that to you. I hated
it and meowed a lot. The blinds whapping is my way of telling
her that I need to eat.
I did eat at my usual  2 times in the wee dark hours. And she
feeds me at bedtime so maybe we'll get some sleep 'fore
the blinds whapping starts. My tummy gets hungry about
effury 2 or 3 hours in the dark. And we get up about 5:30
fur my breakfast. You see, I just eat about 1/2 small bowl
at a time. What's left goes back in the big box.
She also put her shelving wif stuffs hanging on it 'tween the
window and bed to block outside eyes when the TV is on.
Well, kitties, Mom said she'd put the blinds back down so
I won't be so stressed. And she'll put the shelving back in
it's place.
Mom's gonna check if my KD fuds come in dry form too,
so she can leave some out at night.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Furriday Sunshine....Kassey

I've been waiting patiently fur just a little sunshine on my pillow. It's kind of cool in the house and this feels so good to my furs. I hope all my furriends have sunshine today.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday Fun...Kassey

I got the box  and she got this.
After I used my ESS I took off running
toward my bedroom.
I ran again through the hall having fun.

Mom here:
Does anyone know if Cats can have
Coconut Oil ? It is good for so many

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday Tale Of A Bad Kitty pfffssst..Kassey

Mom says I'm being a bad girl this
morning. Maybe that's true coz I
put a bitey on her paw. She was
pulling her dress sliding my paws
fur her comfort. I wanted to do it
my way. And that's why she got a
bitey. I didn't make any bloods and
I turned loose when she told me to.
I jumped down , so miffed at her.
I came around to this side and she
told me to lay here beside her.

Monday, September 17, 2012

(Sunday Night ) Bedtime, Mom...Kassey

Mom couldn't get this on last night as planned. I did my usual things to get her off the pooter. I got upset as you see. She knew that I might jump on top of the TV as I've done that before too. Instead I headed to my recliner which she has now moved against the wall as she rearranged again.

Friday, September 14, 2012


As Mom checks the purrgression of the sunshine on my pillow, she says it reminds her of our friend, Beth and her tree. Mom says it'll soon be on the floor and I can stretch my sweet self out and soak up Mr. Sun.
I hope all my furriends hafe sunshine today.
I just finished my fuds and it's baf and nap.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wordy Wednesday...Kassey

This is our favorite blankie with all the flat kitties. But, Mom prefers me beside her while she's on the pooter. And I'd rather be with her here if I can't be in her lap.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Sunny Easy...Kassey

Mom checked back in my photos and it looks like I'll have to wait a week before I get sun on my pillow. I can hardly wait...mol
I hope effurryone has a sunny easy.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Caturday TV.....Kassey

I've been running and playing this morning after my chick-hen fud. After my breakfast, I wanted in Mom's lap while she was having breakfast. She said I couldn't coz she had hot coffee too. So I took off running to my bedroom to watch a little TV. It's cloudy and I might just get a nap.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Just Waiting....Kassey

Mom, I'm waiting fur Mr. Sun.
Where is he?

Mom here..... Kassey is back on water added to her canned food. And now she's eating a can a day.

Monday, September 3, 2012

My Weekend....Kassey

Mom has tried several times to post with photos.
We had a gud week-
end with my hoomans from TN. As my hooman brother
stacked clothes on the long table, Mom knew that I was
gonna claim them. Brother told her, "I'ts OK, Mother". But she
covered them with a big table cloth and flashed me.
As y'all know, I hang around my brother. And later, he was by the counter talking to Mom. She had the noisy
mixer going with pecan pie stuff. Before Mom knew it, I was there looking in the mixer bowl. Of course she couldn't flash me. She told me to get down and like the gud little gurl I am, I got down.
They bought chicken and stuff fur supper and I got some too. Mom just couldn't eat it in front of me, efen though it may not be gud fur me.
I stopped eating my fuds wif water mixed in. So Mom is now feeding it to me like before. And I still keep it down.
It came a big rain yesterday when my TN brother and his kits left fur home.It was so quite here after they left. It was nap time fur me. So I got on my recliner and had a gud Easy.
Thank you all again fur your prayers.
We wish effurryone a Happy Labor Day !

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thankful Furrsday Update....Kassey

It's so wonderful to be back home with Mom.
She is feeding me the wet fuds now mixed with
water. I really like it. Last night she left me a little dry
fud on my plate in case I got hungry during the night.
I cleaned it up without having Mom up wif me. And
I didn't yak it up. I got on the bed wif Mom and I let
her sleep until 5:30 this morning. I led her to the fud
room. She gave me the wet fud again. She said we'd
just stay up. After my fuds, I got in Mom's lap fur
Mom says we have friends and furriends who are purring
and purraying fur me. We thank you all furry much.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

After Vet Visit....Mom

Kassey was doing pretty well after getting home today.
The vet said he gave her fluids yesterday and this morning.
He said 2 times a day won't help her.
He gave her 2 cans of KD food. She loved it. It reminded
me of potted meat, which I used to eat. He said she needed
a low protein diet.

This evening she hid under the couch. I found her after
much searching. When I found her by moving the couch, she
meowed, begging me to leave her alone. But finally she came
out and completely emptied her tummy. She ate a few bites
She then went to the bed, still wanting to be left alone.
Then she curled up by my pillow.
I so hope she feels better tomorrow, but I've lost hope,
at this point.

Tummy Toeses Toosday....Kassey

Monday, August 27, 2012

Catch up....Mom

Yesterday Kassey  only had 2 pee balls 12 hours apart.
So she went to the Vet's this AM for IV fluids. I called
2 hours later after I got home. They said she was doing
OK. She also said the Vet wanted to keep her overnight
to be sure she was OK after receiving the fluids.
I sure miss my little girl and I know she must miss her Mom.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Thank You All

I can't begin to tell you all what your comforting words mean.
I'm so blessed to have such caring friends in the cat blogosphere.
My feathers have been dragging the ground, but you all give me
hope as I read your encouraging words.
Thanks so much for your purrs and prayers which are so much

Easy Like Sunday....Kassey

I was having a good easy. But you know who couldn't resist flashing me.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

I Luf Fooling Mom..Mol.....Kassey

Yesterday, she tried several times to get
the pill down....mol  It's just a 1/4 pill..and
small. She kept talking to me and rubbing my
throat. Finally, I did swallow. She put me down.
And sometimes later, as she got off the pooter,
she spotted the pill on the carpet. So, she's
gonna buy some more pill pockets. They nefer
worked before, but she nefer gives up.

The pill is fur nausea. I'm unable to keep my
fuds down now. But, she gave me a little cheese
this morning. It was a tiny bit, but, it stayed down.
Maybe the protein in it won't hurt my little kidneys.

Mom is going to the pet store today. She is gonna
check on the different Science Diet fuds, maybe one
with less protein.
Happy Caturday!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Vet Day

I got bad news today . The Vet said Kassey has kidney
failure. He said they were operating about 25%. And she
may go about 2yrs. like this.

I had to take her vial of blood to the local hospital. They
faxed the results to the Vet. When he came in to talk to
me,she hissed and blew while looking at him.

She came in messing with the blinds, just telling me what
she put in the litter box, poop and pee..happy Mom lol.

A lady was there and it was very hard to hold back the
tears as I was told that her dog died. I never saw her
beloved pet, but someone said it was in the car.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Toosday Tale....Kassey

My toosday tale iz that Mom wakes me to take the pink stuff. Yoo can see here, I'm still sleepy. I've just got one dose left......yippppeee fur me. Thursday I has to go back to the awful place to give my bloods. Maybe I'll put a bitey on him....mol

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