Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Nice Cool

  It is a glorious sunny day way down in
                     Dixie and it's a Pinto Bean Day, a lttle
                     fried cornbread with Vidallia onion on
                     the side. I wonder if my little furry girl
                     will share my bedroom
                     Oh, I did move my toy to the LR with
                     the wires covered as before. I hope
                     Y'all have a nice day with sunshine
                     inside and out.SunCat faceRed rose


  1. It was a home made vegetable beef soup day for me yesterday. have some in the freezer and the rest in the refrigerator.

    My girl did not share the bed last night with me. Bu she will.

  2. I hope you have a great day too, it is still pretty cloudy looking over in South Carolina...hopefully Mr Sun will pop out!


Kassey and I thank you all for your kind comments.

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