Monday, December 6, 2010

Moving Stuff Again....Kassey

Today while getting a loooong nap, Mom moved things in the
bedroom/office. She was on her laptop tonight after doing all
that. I looked things over and I know what she's up to. She
even moved the organizer that I used to get in the window.
She stacked some in the corner and it looks good and gives
more walking room. But now I'll have to leap from the floor to
the window. And I won't be able to paw on the blinds like
before when I want them raised. There's a table by the window
with stuff on it, but she said she was gonna move it so I can't
use it. Ok, we'll see how it goes. I may have to do some think-
ing and figure out my next move.
Have a blessed night/day......Kassey


  1. Aww, Kassey, I'm sure you will figure out a way to get up by the window. I thought I'd fixed Elizabeth by moving furniture away from the dining room window, but she figured it out.
    I love the Christmassy stuff you have on your page, very cute. I went to blogamation just now and got the snowflakes. Fun stuff! :))

  2. Hmmmm, we bet you get a new path figured out by the end of the week. It's hard to foil a Cat!

  3. You going to be smart than your Mum?
    It is hard to do that She has a magic hand which you don't have that LOL!
    looking forwad your next steps Kassy...

  4. Ha ha ...while she is asleep Kassey move it all back again

  5. The nerve of people moving things like that, you'd think they figured they have a life of their own or something!

  6. Oh yea, you're figure it out, I am certain of it!

  7. Kassey, you behave. Mom doesn't want you to hurt yourself or the blinds either. LOL

  8. Well, Kassey, that's very typical of humans, always fussing around and clearing things up, can't just let things e, can they? oh well if you're a proper cat yo'll find a way to get back up to the window and watch the world go by. Go on go for it.
    Tell Mum thanks for checking out and getting a laugh from my joke blog.

  9. You'll figure it out! I have had a cat (kitten) for less than a week, and it is amazing at how she weighs things out, and makes her move!


Kassey and I thank you all for your kind comments.

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