Friday, October 1, 2010

Copies From Spaces and WordPress Theme

 I'm not pleased with some of my copies as some are so pale
and way too wide. Most didn't copy like they were typed. I
tried to copy the purple only, but couldn't. I'll try it again. I
was in a purple mode at times, love the color, but it is incom-
patible with some themes. I'm sorry that some turned out like
this, it's so very irritating. I've learned to not use colors here
cuz I change themes quite often.
I was able finally to get my theme page on WordPress after
jumping through hoops. I found it very aggravating. I really
like here and I'm grateful that I have a blogger friendly place.


  1. I meant to say that I tried to print the purple one, but could not.

  2. I hope you stay but if you wind up not, I will try to visit you over there.

  3. I think it is looking pretty darn good!

  4. I'm not leaving this place, just got the WordPress for transfer, but don't have to worry about that now.

  5. I understand 100% what you were doing in the past
    it is not easir for you and I but you are doing very well:-)
    I just hanging in here but it is not comfortabel as old WLS.
    My blogs and all photos are in my computers at present time.

  6. I am having to reformat all my blogs I am moving here. they don't fit and the colors for my words are all wrong, that's why I haven't gotten very far yet. I also need to resolve why my updates aren't showing up in the reading lists. I just haven't had time lately to deal with any of this. My computer is overloaded and my connections are often not so good.

  7. I had transfer my Blog Archives from WLS to wordpress.But I would rather blogging in here at present times.
    First of I don't like here when I used at WLS:-)
    But I found more warmth place to be in my home..
    I think more our friends in here..
    At my Wordpress are very lonely space..
    I know you are busir person but if you have minute please visit my lonely space:-)


Kassey and I thank you all for your kind comments.