Friday, November 12, 2010

A Ray Of Sunshine Of Hope For Andy

We do have sunshine here and a nice temp of 64 at the present.
Many of you from Spaces know about my son, Andy's  Chiari
Syndrome and the awful migraines that he has.
Recently, he started going back to his Doctor in Birmingham, AL, who
discovered his condition. He told Andy there was a new procedure
being done in PA to stop the pain by disabling the nerve that causes
the pain. As he has suffered so, this gives him hope and his family
too. However, we know this is very tedious and risky. He has had
a part of his scull removed above the cervical spine. This was done
to cut some cervical bones to give more room for the 'tonsil', pro-
truding from his brain into the spinal column. This procedure did not
stop the headaches.
As I receive updates as to whether Andy has this procedure, I will
post it here, God-willing.

Blessings Always, Ann


  1. Hope all goes well for him, sounds very unpleasant, but then so do the migrianes I guess- God Bless - Nita

  2. That is great there is a new procedure to help. I'm sure he'll do all the research to see if it's right for him. Good luck, whatever is decided!

  3. I and Miss Catt aka the Admiral are on it! Purrs and prayers to him and his family and to you.


  4. Prayers for your son! and for all of you.

  5. Keeping your son and all of you in my prayers.

  6. Purrs and prayers coming your way; I cannot imagine having continuous migraines.

  7. My prayers for your son and your family.

  8. the meowers and i are purring and purraying for your boy and his care team!

  9. Prayers for your son and your family , xx Sheila.

  10. My prayers are with you, Andy, and his family.

  11. I do hope things work out for Andy it must be terrible for the family

  12. It must be very hard for him to have the condition....I hope everything will go well for him.
    My prayers and purrs from my kids for him and his family.

  13. Oh my - I can't even begin to imagine - but will pray for your son and the procedure...

    Thank you for your visit and comment today! It was much appreciated!


Kassey and I thank you all for your kind comments.