Monday, June 25, 2012

About Last Night.....Kassey

Mom tried to post this photo last night. Mom was wrong last night about my
manipulations. I just needed supper and potty. She is so pleased when I poop
Mol. She went with me to potty. One time I lost my balance and fell backwards
in my pan. Now she keeps a close eye on me and sometimes takes me to see if
I can poop cause I just go every other day now. I was going a little longer before
she got me the Blue Buffalo fuds which I love. It's funny that my human gets ex-
cited over a little poop.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Not In The Groove Yet

Getting back  into blogging reminds me of starting
a few years ago.  I miss those days too on WL.

I recall a few months back, there was a mystery theme
here on Blogger. Kassey apparently stepped on a nail
clipping. Since then, I've seen shed claws. 
She is buzzing around wanting in my lap. I 'll go for now
so I can comply to her wishes.

Monday, June 18, 2012

WE"RE BACK......Kassey
In our absence from the innerweb, I became a lap kitty.
This sure made Mom happy. Now when she sits, here I
come fur my happy place.

Mom got the Blue Buffalo fuds and it's delish and she has
to give me my 'chicken strip'. This is the tube of furball
stuff cause I had furballs bad as I shed my Winter coat.
Kitties, this stuff has no bad stuff and it's made in the USA.

Our innerweb is still slow but we're happy to be back with
all our furry friends and their beans.