Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sunday Whiffies...Kassey

It's been raining about all day and cooling off. Mom closed the whiffie hole after this photo. The innerweb is a real 'b' word according to Mom. And something is screwing with our photos. At least she was able to crop it. But the green on the bottom is a mystery. Sometimes visiting and commenting is difficult.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Mom, I gave you a clue when I was in the window looking up. I just have to know what is so important here that we are not in the fuds room getting my chick-hen. Well, I'm not jumping down until you get up.
This works effurry time....Mol

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Easy Sunday...Kassey

                                                    I never heard her as she flashed me.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Catching Up, Mom Hopes...mol....Kassey

Andy is working on Mom's pooter here. He didn't need his jacket so it was mine while he was here. He worked until about 10:30 pm and then took the PC home to finish. This was around Thanksgiving. Mom has been having innerweb withdrawal with pooters and web misbehaving.

Andy took the PC back to update coz it was hungry for more aggravating updates. He brought it back yesterday. It had a problem recognizing the IP address. We're hoping she can finish this post.
This is now my most favorite bed. I seldom sleep with Mom...well she won't let me sleep on her like this...mol   This photo was about a week ago, cloudy here today.
Maybe we should stop and hope this is posted. We sure have missed effurrybuddy.