Thursday, November 22, 2012

Bring On The Nip Award..HappyThanksgiving Wishes...Kassey

Our sweet furriend, Oui Oui gave us this award. And I'm supposed to tell what inspires me. Well what I'm most inspired about is how I outfox Mom. She's so easy and always tries to stay one step ahead of me...mol
As effurryone knows the blinds are a part of my tricks to make her do my bidding.
Last night, she raised the blinds real high and wrapped the cords around the raised blinds. Then she made two stacks of organizers to block any  view from the outside. And she also cluttered the pooter table so I couldn't jump on it. Hah, she left a cat wide place open which I couldn't resist.
Now she's gonna just put effurrything back in order as she just can't win, poor dumb hooman...mol
She's my inspiration and makes night time fun.

Mom here.....
We're so thankful on this Thursday and we wish everyone a Happy and safe Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Cool Whiffies...Kassey

It was about 50F, but Mom got the hots after doing laundry. I was so happy when I got some whiffies.
 Another day, I begged Mom fur whiffies. It turned cool so she closed the whiffie hole.
Sorry we've not been on much lately, furry furstrating fur Mom.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Slower Than 'lasses

Andy got my puter in the bedroom going, but the internet is still slow.
I ordered a new hard drive from Staples and it should be in by Wed-
nesday. There's nothing wrong with this one, just way too slow. If
I had DSL, it would be OK. I can hardly wait to have a speedier drive.
He took the puter home so he could get my phone hooked up to the
web. Mine is just XP so he had to get the necessary download from
I'm now on the old girl and this has taken forever due to the various
browsers. Andy restored the puter back to factory, so Chrome doesn't
know me apparently, surprising I'm not too fond of Chrome anyhow.
I hope you all are having a good Monday.

BRRR, Cold Monday...Kassey

Mom says the guesser on TV says we'll have falling temps today

Thursday, November 8, 2012

So Thankful On Thursday...Kassey

It's furry cold here but we're blessed with fuds, water, and warmth. I sure needed Mr. Sun on my furs. And we sure hope Mr Sun shines effurywhere today, especially  in the NE. We still purray that they'll get relief from the awful cold and hunger.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Caturday Stuffs...Kassey

Mom is so pissgusted and it burns my little delicate ears. She has been trying to post but sumfing in the pooter won't let her. Or sumfing else, don't know.
She has been furry upset about sum fings going on like GMO craps and she's wondering now if it's my fuds that she bought especially fur my little kidneys. There are so many other fings too we all shud know about.
Here are sum websites : 
You will get a lot of stuffs on these innerweb sites. Put them all on your favorites coz you'll want to visit often fur updates. There is too much to mention here, but you'll see fur yourself. Please purrsue this info especially about the GMO fuds, furry impawtent to our health.
I'll go to my sunpuddle now.
Luvs to all our hoomans and furbabies, especially to the ones affected by the bad girl names Sandy.