Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hungry Restless Nights....Kassey

Last night Mom raised the blinds so I couldn't whap them.
Well, furriends, don't let your Mom do that to you. I hated
it and meowed a lot. The blinds whapping is my way of telling
her that I need to eat.
I did eat at my usual  2 times in the wee dark hours. And she
feeds me at bedtime so maybe we'll get some sleep 'fore
the blinds whapping starts. My tummy gets hungry about
effury 2 or 3 hours in the dark. And we get up about 5:30
fur my breakfast. You see, I just eat about 1/2 small bowl
at a time. What's left goes back in the big box.
She also put her shelving wif stuffs hanging on it 'tween the
window and bed to block outside eyes when the TV is on.
Well, kitties, Mom said she'd put the blinds back down so
I won't be so stressed. And she'll put the shelving back in
it's place.
Mom's gonna check if my KD fuds come in dry form too,
so she can leave some out at night.


  1. Oh boy, does our Mom sympathize with yours. Fortunately Audrey can have dry fuds, but if she had a whole bowl out she would scarf it down at bed time. So that's why we have to have her timed feeder dispense small bits through the night and day to supplement her e=wet breakfast and dinner. Big pain!! There are versions of the timed feeders that have a cool pack and can dispense wet food, if your Mom gets desperate for her sleep.

  2. We have a kitty who's a pretty picky eater: Ash is pretty picky about what she eats, infact she does not like canned food usually! MOL
    Lots of love,
    Sherlock,Ash and Traveler

  3. Awww, Kassey, your mom is doing her very best for you. Lots of purrs from us.

    P.S. You know, we don't get free-fed here, so we demand food about every hour. LOL. We don't get it every hour, but we demand it! :-D

  4. Yes, Kassey, your mom is very good to you. KD does come in dry. Hopefully, you'll like it, but if you don't, you can return to the vet. I like Simba's suggestion of the timed feeder. I may look into that for the bingers here.

  5. What a good Mommy! We get our meals twice a day and if we don't finish the portion, we'll have to wait till the next meal. So we make sure we finish everything in our bowl before Mommy clear the bowls. We usually get a treat in between the meals. :)
    Sadly, we have no blinds to bug Mommy with.

  6. Hi Kassey, your mom is so great to you! My boys don't do blind whapping when they are hungry. Niko come to meow and Goro whaps me! Have a wonderful weekend, Kassey!

  7. Us are a lot LOUDER when we are hungry.
    Have a great weekend, Kassey! Always great to see your posts.

  8. Kassey, you really keep your mom on her toes! KD does come in dry, so she can get some and leave it out for you!

  9. Blind whapping is not only fun, it is a necessity!

  10. I sympathize with very long nights and way too early mornings my friend.

  11. Whapping is fun.....especially in the middle of the night.

    Thank you for your kind words about Tamir. We will miss our very special ManCat but know he lives on in our hearts.
    The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

  12. I have temporarily stopped my bling whappin' cause mommy raised them. I like to station myself there in the dark and look for stranger kitties. I think the KD foods do come in dry form too. xoxoxox

  13. Well darling, of COURSE you make noise if you're STARVING!!!

    The Human says, When I had kitties with kidney disease there definitely was KD dry foodz--that was about 10-15 years ago. I bought it at the vet's--Feline KD, but can't recall the manufacturer. I'm sure you'll find it! XOXOXO

  14. Hi Kassey it looks as though your mum is taking real good care of you. Hope mum finds the right night food for you.

    Love your new black backdrop and the stars.
    Huggies Sheila xx

  15. Kassey how naughty of your Mom to raise the blinds so you can't reach them to play with. We're sure the penalty for that is 2 leg whaps!
    Luv Hsnnah and Lucy xx xx


Kassey and I thank you all for your kind comments.