Monday, September 5, 2011

Sweet Monday Rain

Rain,rain, love it. The temps are in the 60's, like Fall.
We've waited so long for a good soaking rain. And
so far there are no storms predicted for us. I'm so
grateful for that. My hall closet is so stuffed at the
present. I'm still getting rid of excess and TN son
took a lot with  him yesterday. I love those empty
organizers, a relief indeed.

We had a good visit, but sweet Kassey, as she
spoke about yesterday was most unhappy. All is
forgiven and she slept with me for awhile. And of
course the blinds thing started again and out she went.
She is so persistent and she only does the blinds thing
when I'm in the room. If this weren't the case, they'd
be broken. I guess the only thing to do is bring her
food into the bedroom at night. Her bowl of water is
in her bathroom and sometimes the water is running.
Somehow she and I have to get more rest at night.

I may go out today to the T-Mobile store and check
out their smartphones. They really have some good deals
for the holiday. I just don't know which kind to buy or if
I'm smart enough to operate one. This techy stuff is moving
way too fast for me. On that note, have a Blessed week,


  1. We didn't get rain (which we needed) but it is in the 70's this morning! Yay! Blessed fall! Haf a great Labor Day!

  2. we too are getting rain as we were quite a bit behind.

    Kassey sounds as though she needs something to play with at night when she wakes. The blinds provide noise and fun so she's just doing what comes naturally BUT no way my mom doesn't understad. I wake her up super early in the morning.

    Mom leaves fuds out for me 7/24 and water of course. I have my toys out naturally as I know Kassey does too. Have you gotten her one of the smaller track ball donut shaped toys ? That goves her something to bat at and it makes the noise of the bsll being whapped in the track by a Kassey paw and it rolls around to be whapped again.

  3. Enjoy your rainy day ... sometimes those are the best! Meanwhile, the sunshine and friends and family around the pool are beckoning us. Just wanted to stop by and say a quick hello!

  4. What a blessing about the rain! I wish we would bet some.

    I somehow missed your post yesterday so just read it. Admiral has great suggestions for Kassey at night. We leave the bedroom door open so they can eat, drink, use the litter box or do whatever they want but they can also sleep with us.

  5. We're glad you're having a much-needed, cooler rainy day.

    Kassey, we come and go as we please all night and of course we have lots of toys to play with. The turbo track is a noisy one at 1 or 2AM, though!

    The mom long ago gave up trying to sleep undisturbed--though we did let her sleep till almost 4:30AM this AM and yesterday--something that hasn't happened in so long the mom can't remember when she last got to. She figures it's just part and parcel of having fur kids and understands we're a blessing in her life, a gift for too-short a time. She says she'll sleep when she's dead. LOL.

  6. I think a good nap for Kassey along with some nip might help!

  7. I had a cell phone with AT&T for many years. I rarely used it. When I moved I closed the AT&T account and bought a tracfone at walmart. Reception is just as good and you buy the minutes as you need them. Unless this will be your only phone I would not get involved in an expensive contract.
    Note for Kassey: Leave the blinds alone and be good for mommy.

  8. We run riot at night but Mommy sleeps like a zombie...we WISH we could wake her up and play!

  9. The weather is turning cooler here too. I hope winter doesn't come too quick! Good luck with buying a new phone!
    xo Catherine

  10. We had company all weekend so my poor 2 pussy's had to stay hidden all weekend. They are happy now to come out and go outside again. Still very very hot here even thought we had a coule nights frost already. But I was prepared and got everything all covered. I still don't have a cell phone would hate to have to choose which one to pick. We don't get cell service here so no point in having one. Have a wonderful week. Hugs Carrie

  11. We had a lot of rain here today, too and I am very happy about it. It's been too dry for a long time!
    I heard T-mobile offers very reasonable plans. I am thinking about switching too.
    I hope you have a great holiday weekend!!

  12. It was in the mid-eighties for us and felt absolutely perfect. I would be fine if it were like this 24/7. A short week ahead for us...may it be blessed my friend.

  13. I think that's the best weather to nap : )

  14. this cooler weather is invigorating for Myst- I can hear her digging around after a toy right now!
    I like it because I can start wearing my fav clothing :)

  15. Why does Kassey only play with the blinds when you are there is it for your attention. It is so cold today here - max 14C and wet and very, very windy - we hope it's drier tomorrow cos mum says she needs a rest from fun and games!!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  16. Ha Ha! He He! I caught mommy in a bomit trap!!

  17. Tango says that |Kassey is one spoiled cat! He says "If I behaved like that, I'd be in the dog-house, good and proper" but then cats aren't tough enough to go out of doors. Hee hee, glad you got cooler weather though, Tell your Mum thanks for her visits, Kassey. I know you don't come cos youz afraid of the dogs. Enjoy your award, it looks pretty on your page the colours match. XX

  18. We're having rain's so welcome as we've been super dry. I just wish the temps hadn't cooled down quite so drastically. Just a few days ago we were in the 90's and today didn't even get out of the 50's.

    Hope you get some rest. Snickers keeps me from sleeping well some nights.


Kassey and I thank you all for your kind comments.