Monday, September 24, 2012

Boring Post About More Sleeps, sorta...Kassey

After my bedtime fuds, we went to bed.
It was so nice sleeping right next to Mom.
Mom had to go to the little room about
3:15 and she slipped outta bed without
waking me. I let her lay there until about
3:30. Then I went to the window and
whapped the blinds. Up she came and
fed me.
We then went back to bed. Mom had a
hard time going back to sleep and I was
looking out the window. She just turned
on the TV coz it helps sometimes to put
her to sleep.
I curled up ready fur a nap. About the time
Mom finally dozed off, I did my blind whap-
ping. Well, it was about time fur my breakfast.
Mom stayed up as usual and had her coffee,
while waiting fur her favorite old TV shows on
This boring post can put anyone to sleep except
Mom as she waits fur  Dancing With The Stars.


  1. Me too Kassey. I will be watching with you two!!!

  2. I hope you and your mom enjoy watching the show :-)

  3. We luv blind-playing! This is exciting stuff to us. MOL!

  4. Hope you and mum enjoy the show and also a little nap later maybe big huggies xx

  5. My mama loves ME TV! I love keeping her up at night too. Mama tries to put out a decent amount of kibble at night for us so I won't wake her up for food but not too much so we don't gorge. It's a delicate balance. The timed feeder looks better and better to Mama.

  6. We hope you enjoyed that programme and got some brekkie and a nap afterwards.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx


Kassey and I thank you all for your kind comments.