Saturday, August 20, 2011

Happy Accident.....Lemony Goodness

in the kitchen after making home-made buttermilk. I had
almost a 1/2 gallon of 1% milk and dumped Lemon Juice in it
to make buttermilk. I seldom measure things like this.

I decided to make my pound cake recipe using 1/2 recipe, not
realizing that I was too short on my self-rising flour. I then cut
the recipe another 1/2, making it a 1/4 measurement of the full
recipe.( I used honey instead of sugar and olive oil instead of
good old butter.)

This turned out to be a very lemony, wonderful surprise. Of
course, I doubt I can use this buttermilk to make biscuits. But,
it will make delish waffles and pancakes, cookies,etc.
The last piece was spread with vanilla yogurt sprinkled with
cinnamon.....ummmm...Recipe follows :

2 1/2 c. Self-Rising Flour
1/2 c. butter
1 1/2 c. sugar
3 eggs
1 c. milk
1 tsp. vanilla
350   25-30 minutes.


  1. Sounds yummy. Lemony taste is very good for summer!!

  2. So glad that by your mistake turned out be a good one.
    I loved that you used the honey and Olive oil
    instead of Sugar and old butter:-)
    This is second ones that blog friends made cake for their tea time and a bit too far to visit you or another friend home:-)

  3. Sounds yummy. We luf happy mistakes! Happy Sunday.

  4. Love it when a mistake works like that. Drooling here.

  5. Hey, it smells so yummy clear over here!

  6. Mmmmm! sounds wonderful. I have often wondered if could make buttermilk instead of buying it for making biscuits.

  7. Cinnamon Raisin Biscuits, I think, would be good with this buttermilk.

  8. I shoulda said 'made with this buttermilk'. Wish I had some more self rising flour. Oh well, another day perhaps.

  9. Some mistakes turn out to be the best. Hope you wrote it down so you remember it. Wishing you and Kassy who I see has a new sleeping place in front of the window, have a wonderful week. Hugs Carrie

  10. Don't you just love sweet surprises like that? I know I do!

  11. Oh that sounds SO good. I wish I had been there. Of course if I had I would have tried to do you out of all of the cake. I love anything lemony. Also, I would try to get Kassey to let me love on her.


Kassey and I thank you all for your kind comments.