Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wordy Wednesday.....Kassey

I'm picky I know. Mom put my pillow up here, but I
wouldn't use it acause I prefur my furry cube. She hasn't figured out how to de-fur it yet.
I have no privacy here either as you see.
Ok, Mom, I said, 'What do you want?" Of course
she wanted nothing, just to check on me.


  1. ask her to allow your cube to be furry. It makes you decorated it yourself and it isn't hurtning anything. Mommy lets my cubes and my condo stay furred. xoxoxox

  2. What a lovely cube you have! And you look very pretty in it!

  3. Your cube looks just perfect and you look extra lovely in it!!

  4. Kassey, Furry cube like a dream world, made me drooling in some way, cause it's butterfly..I love to nom the bugs..heh..heh
    Have a wonderful day, Kassey

  5. We agree, no need to de-fur your cube, it's fine the way it is! It's not like your mom uses it. Ha.

    That's a great spot for it, too!

  6. Looks both comfy and stylish!

  7. I think your cube is better when it's furry. Your mom does not need to de-fur it!

  8. every time I see that butterfly cube I love it more and more. I am just crazy about it...and of course, the kitty inside of it too!

  9. Hey, it's your cube, fur is a nice touch!

  10. You look great in your FURRED butterfly cube. Mom tries to de-fur my cube, but i'm havin none of it! Haf a great day, Kassey! xoxo

  11. Sometimes a kitty just likes what they like! It does look like a comfy cube!
    xo Catherine

  12. What fun, Kassey! Mama is always checking on me too. I think she's jealous that I'm always cozy and she's always working. Your cube sure looks fun!


Kassey and I thank you all for your kind comments.