Monday, August 23, 2010

Power Struggle Today

August 22
Power Struggle Today
This cat has been incorrigable today LOL She
is now locked out of the bedroom. Before this,
she was confinded to 'her'bathroom for a time
out. As shown in her recent photos, her newest
passion is the wires in the corner. I finally was
able to block her way behind the end table with
the wireless keyboard box, making a piece of clut-
ter useful. I do plan to use the wireless keyboard
again when Andy can do it. So no need to put it away,
well that's a good I must admit, I haven't
paid Kassey enough attention today. So I'll get off here
and she and I will watch a little TV.
Blessed day/night to all


  1. Oh dear, Kassey. You must find a better way to get attention. Being locked out is no fun.

    Once you snuggle up together she will be much better I'm sure.

    Have a good day.

  2. Poor Kassey. Mom will pet you this afternoon and things will be better.


Kassey and I thank you all for your kind comments.