Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mom's Lumpy New Bed

July 11

Mom's Lumpy New Bed....Kassey

Mom missed me as she didn't see me on my
pillow. She had to look close to find me as
I was so comfy on her pillow, covered by a
blanket. She doesn't want me using her
pillow 'cause I lose hair. She tries to brush
me, but I walk away. Now, I don't mind walk-
ing under the brush. It's a soft, purple
thing that I don't mind too much. I will not
stand still, so I just walk away and come back.
You see, I have to be in charge at all times. OK,
she pulled the blanket back and flashed that
thing at me again. It's so hard to have privacy
here and it's so bright in here with the shades
up. OK, I know I'm in charge of the shades, but
I just speak 'cat' and can't tell her I need dark.
So, after she found me,she let the shade down.
I got on with my nap and she did her thing, what-
ever that was. I'm not telling.
As Always, Kassey

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Kassey and I thank you all for your kind comments.