G.R.I.T.S…Many of you folks know what this stands for.This came to mind when I was fixin’ instant grits with 2 scrambled eggs for lunch. I did one of those one -dish things, nuked the water, stirred in the instant grits and then stirred in the scrambled eggs. This is some fine eatin’ and this’ll warm the innards on a cold day. Girl(s) Raised In The South, 

Debbie 3:47 pm on December 8, 2008Permalink | | Edit
GreatGranny 3:49 pm on December 8, 2008Permalink | | Edit
Rosebay 3:49 pm on December 8, 2008Permalink | | Edit
MarieDeGe 3:58 pm on December 8, 2008Permalink | | Edit
Beth 7:07 pm on December 8, 2008Permalink | | Edit
Rambling 7:24 pm on December 8, 2008Permalink | | Edit
Curtis 8:59 pm on December 8, 2008Permalink | | Edit
Sue 8:55 am on December 9, 2008Permalink | | Edit
Willow 5:49 pm on December 9, 2008Permalink | | Edit