Talking about Family Thanksgiving Day
Hi everyone, I’m sorry I haven’t talked about the family dinner. We didn’t have wall- to- wall family this time. David and his Daddy were on the road until late the night before and both dragging their tails. So they only invited their children, wives and Grand-Daughter,( expecting a brother in March) and Mother. The food was very good and I really tried ,lol , not to eat too much. David made a peach cobbler, which was good, even though he forgot the sugar in the crust, too tired really to be entertaining. The only pictures I have are on a throwaway camera and they should be good. I got some pet pictures. Their cat, Zeus, is a big boy, and his Daddy is a lynx. David puts his leash on to go out. He was so sweet and got in my lap. The other cat was high up peeping from a cupboard. Kassey checked me out real good when I got home. She not only smelled cat but dog too. The ones on the Canon are of Kassey. I did get a 4 GB memory card and Andy downloaded or uploaded ? , lol, what I had on it. I have a slot on my PC, which I didn’t know, so now maybe I can do it next time. I do have about 6 shots left before I can get them developed. I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving and the weather is good where you all are. I got a snow flurry and I wish I had taken a picture, but maybe we’ll get a little more later. We have to be careful what we wish for , don’t we ? Thank you all for your good wishes and I wish God’s blessings for you all,

Thanksgiving with family at son’s has been postponed until Sat , ’cause some have to work . That’s fine with me. I had a nice turkey dinner today delivered by a local church group. They did this last year too. We are all seniors here in this complex and I appreciate the thoughtfulness and kindness of this group. I know they will be blessed by God for their good deeds.About the new fangled camera, well I’m going to require more time to download pictures, ’cause so far I haven’t deciphered the instructions yet. Actually I’d rather go shopping. LOL My main reason for shopping on a hectic day like this is to buy more memory for the camera . I should then be able to take pics w/o worry. The time is too short for me to learn this stuff and my 32 MB is used up. It would be fun to do video too, another time perhaps. God willing I will have some pictures for you.I thank you all for your Thanksgiving wishes. I’m so blessed to have friends like and I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving as well. Let’s all remember where our blessings come from, not just on the holidays, but throughout the year. I’m very grateful for who and what God has given and I take nothing for granted. We know that HE gives and HE takes so let’s be thankful and keep everyday Holy. Dec. 2008...1/16/15
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Kassey and I thank you all for your kind comments.