Talking about KASSEY HERE : To My Fellow Feline Friends
Quote It’s a beautiful Saturday, a good day to sleep in. She did have to get up , cause I needed breakfast. As you all know I have to have her by my side when I eat, a rule I made. Oh, she’s so easy…mew mew. Well, I did sleep in our bedroom last night after she put the pillowcase on my pillow. And she was so happy and told me I could sleep next to her if I wanted to…. no no no , not enough room for two on that twin bed. After I’m asleep, I don’t want any interuptions, like the Old girl turning over or getting up to go to the little room. I’m sure she’ll put another one up after the re-arranging is like she wants it.
I’m so blessed to have a bed inside to sleep on and have someone to care for me and love me the way she does. She is so good to me and I am so blessed that she picked me out of all the other kitties at the shelter. They told her my age and name and I got to keep it. Imagine having to be called by another name as old as I am. This is just another way that she loves me. It’s hard on a kitty being brought to a shelter to either die or hoping to be adopted. There were so many of us and she picked me!
Well, it’s getting cloudy now, but still a nice Saturday when you’re a blessed kitty. We are expecting Andy and Sheila in little while. He always plays with me. So, I’ll be in the window watching for them. Until next time, this is Kassey, hoping all my kitty friends are healthy and happy. Miss Catt, I hope you’re feeling better. And, Patches, I hope you’re recovering well. I want to thank you all for visiting our space and leaving comments. Luv, Kassey

My fellow feline friends, my human has been changing things again. I watched her as she unloadedher bathroom closet and filled up mine. She said she was utilizing more space, whatever that means.Mine did have more room than hers, before now. But being a cat, I don’t understand why she does this.She’s always moving things around and this bothers me. I followed after her while she was carrying thesethings to my closet. She told me she knew I didn’t understand why she was doing. Now really, does she think I’m just a dumb little cat? I could see what she was doing and I didn’t like it. There’s one shelf with nothing on it… telling what’ll be put there.I’m seeing a lot of birds now and it’s really exciting. We still don’t have a bird feeder yet, but she said she just might sprinkle some seeds on the ground. She also told me there are rabbits here , but I’ve been napping, too much i guess.It was real stormy last night and the storm radio went off again. It’s kind of scary to be asleep when this happens. She got up and turned it off and went back to bed. God spared us once again. He sure is good to us and deserves all the credit. Until next time, my feline friends…..Blessings Always,Kassey
Shimona from the Palace 12:42 pm on July 11, 2009Permalink | | Edit
GreatGranny 1:40 pm on July 11, 2009Permalink | | Edit
Rambling 2:07 pm on July 11, 2009Permalink | | Edit
Beth 2:36 pm on July 11, 2009Permalink | | Edit
R U Serious 3:57 pm on July 11, 2009Permalink | | Edit
GreatGranny 4:50 pm on July 11, 2009Permalink | | Edit
Lori BJ 5:17 pm on July 11, 2009Permalink | | Edit
Dana 9:22 pm on July 11, 2009Permalink | | Edit
Angel eyes 4:21 am on July 12, 2009Permalink | | Edit
Grandma's 5:16 pm on July 12, 2009Permalink | | Edit
Here I Am 10:27 pm on July 12, 2009Permalink | | Edit
Michiko's 6:31 am on July 13, 2009Permalink | | Edit