Talking about Kassey Here
By God’s Grace, we made a safe trip and safe from Tornadic weather that was predicted for Nashville too. I had to call ‘911’, because this driver in a small Uhaul truck was going from one side to the other on Interstate 65. Sis took a chance and we got past him without a mishap. Of course while I was on the phone with the HP, I watched him in the mirror as he pulled into the Welcome Center.
We witnessed a very moving wedding between my nephew and his new bride. It was a small wedding with only family and I doubt there was a dry eye there, including the bride and groom. They are members of the Church and are both active in Vacation Bible School. Sis and I are so happy to have this good news.
I so hated to leave my Kassey home alone and I was happy to get home to her. I noticed that she ate very little and drank little water. She gobbled her food whole, as she does when I’m not by her side while she eats. She left it in the window seal for me…so glad she didn’t do in my shoe for leaving her alone. lol She is always welcome there, but I don’t know how that would work out, with 2 females there already. And those two female cats don’t get along at all.
Kassey is happy to have her human home and I’m happy to be safely home . She has been so sweet and loving, but slept in her room after walking across my bed. "All is well that ends well", someone said.
I couldn’t get a good signal for my laptop while in Nashville, so Kassey nor I could leave an update. I hope everyone is blessed with good weather today…we’ve had such angry weather lately. Blessings Always To Our Friends,

The storm radio made a loud noice and this ‘human’ said we may have a tornado heading our way, so she cleaned out the closet again, not everything, just enough space for her laptop, her and yours truly. Our weather has been so iffy, she said she’d leave it out for now. After the storm passed we sat on the couch together while she was on her laptop. She didn’t have to ask me twice. It was soooo nice sitting there with her and besides , I was kind of afraid. With the sky making all those loud noices and flashing pretty colors, I wanted to be close to her. The closet was still waiting for us, but we were spared again.Sunday morning, when she wasn’t looking , I slipped into her bedroom closet. She checked to see if I was in the closet but I was well hidden and quite. She closed the door ,took her purse and headed for the front door. I wasn’t eating as usual, before leaving me alone. She called me and so she checked the closet and I got out of that dark closet, not wanting to stay there while she was gone. Sometimes she goes shopping after church and I would have been one hot cat with no essentials.She and my Aunt J are going on a trip today to her son’s for a wedding. She’ll be dressing in her Sunday clothes again…….open bedroom closet again……yes, I’m smiling . She’ll be sure this time that I’m not left in it ’cause, I’ll be left alone overnight and probably won’t see her until tomorrow night. I’ll be ok as long as we don’t have any bad storms. You know , God watches over kitties too and He protected us yet again. Blessings Always To My Friends, Kassey
copied 1/16/15 6/19/09
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Kassey and I thank you all for your kind comments.